An accounting of my adventures with Alex, Andy, Sean, and Ryan -- and occasionally Mark or others who might figure in.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Seany liked the juice pop.
The finished product. Andy gets potty time every day.
More bathtime fun.
More precise painting.
Painting fun!
Bathtime buddies.
The view during a thunderstrom. Very pretty. Yes, its a double rainbow.
Andy sleeping, Alex mugging.
Ryan smiling big.
Seany looks yummy.
Good times.
Ryan excerising mid-meal.
Andy feeding the twix.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Alex and Miss Fullman.
Alex and the entire class of 2006! Setting on his left is the lovely Celeste.
Seany likes his lunch and his daddy being home for it.
Sean and Ryan and some yummy sweet potatoes.
More tats.
Andy liked the black lamb but didn't want to get to close. There was a large male sheep who kept trying to mate with an attractive young goat. She wasn't having it and kept knocking him with her horns.
Alex and Andy in front of some other train.
Alex and Andy on the train.
Alex and Andy at a Day Out with Thomas. Yes it rained and was cold (very) Memorial Weekend.
And the foot is in the mouth.
Sean and a large baby foot, working at getting it in that mouth.