Thursday, May 20, 2010

Andrew's Kindergarten Graduation Portrait

The world holds such hope and promise for the future. You can see the future in Andrew's eyes.

Poem inclued with kindergarten grad pictures:


I will climb the highest peaks
and find a way through the
deepest valleys as I follow
my heart in pursuing its dreams.

I will hold the sunlight and
welcome the rain as my garden
of knowledge prospers in its
quest to benefit the world.

I will learn from the defeats
as well as the triumphs on my
journey because from this day
forward there are no limits to
what I can achieve.

If we taking this kindergarten graduation any more seriously, what is left for college graduation?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We were all out of the car, some of us slower than others:

Ryan, furiously indicating foward with his arms, "Come on chick-witts let's go! Chick-witts come on!"

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dinosaur World

Andrew: "Mommy? Do you know that there's a Dinosaur World?"

Mommy: "There is? Where is it?"

Andrew: "MOM... It's in space. You know where ALL the WORLDS are."

I felt the 'duh' he kindly left unsaid.

The people that matter

There comes a point in your life when you realize:

Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.

This quote's come around twice and it means something more to me than just an email forward. Those that have sent it to me, thank you.

The people that matter, the people you think about while doing the dishes, working, and gardening. For me those people are my family, a few beautiful friends, and some loved ones gone from the world but never forgotten.

My family: parents, sister, hubs, chicklets, extended family, and in-laws.
My friends: y'all know exactly who you are.
Those I know I'll meet again.

I don't always say how much they mean to me. But Mark can tell you how often I "accidentally" call him. Somehow hearing his voice makes the world a wee bit better for me.

To those I love, thank you for being part of my life, for helping me try to be better everyday.