Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Job hunt advice from the 6 years old wise one

Typing on the computer, the following occurred.

Andrew: "Mom, can we have dinner yet?"

Mom: "No, I have to finish applying for this job."

Andrew: "Where is it?"

Mom: "California."

Andrew (exasperated): "No, I meant what place is it, like now you work at Pinnacle?"

Mom: "Google."

Andrew (thrilled): "Make sure you tell them you're a girl. If it's a man that hires for it. He'll like you because you're a girl."

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Employment in California!

Mark received a job offer for a 2 year contract at Google! This means we get to move back home! I am really thrilled and proud of him -- he's such a great employee and he is always well liked by his subordinates, I hope this is a great fit for him. And it's exciting to see him go to work for a company that we know so much about!

We will be apart for a time while we find out if in this economy we can sell our house or if we will rent it out for a bit. Then we'll get ready to move -- moving with 4 chicklets is going to be an adventure. Before we even start I have a list:

  • Find out about the UCSF non-official spina bifida program.
  • Transfer everyone's medical records over.
  • Find a doctor that will be a good fit for Alex and Ryan.
  • Hope the same the doctor is a good fit for the other guys.
  • Look into schools, early intervention programs, afterschool activities, etc.
  • Find out if I will be able to work remotely or find new employment.
  • Find a buyer/renter.
  • Based on that outcome find a place in Cali. :)
  • Then the moving list will start!
I am awed that we will live close to our families again. Over the last 7 years, there have been very difficult times that Mark and I have always managed through. We have always been in this life together. This will be a new challenge for us, another moment of our marriage that we can say we never want to go through again. This is first time we will ever spend more than a week apart and this will be the first time the chicklets will not live everyday in a two parent household. My prayers include as brief a time as possible before we are all together again, the chicklets handle this with minimal pain and with good behavior, and we manage to see one another regularly throughout the time apart.
I know that both sets of grandparents will really enjoy having the chicklets close again. And Mark and I are happy to be close to our families again.
So the unspecified time line begins!

Alex & Andrew's school pictures

Soccer Stars!

Seany's snap is above and he is in the last boy in the first row in the team picture.

RyGuy's snap is below and he is the first boy in the first row in the team picture.