Dear Santa Claus,
I hope you enjoyed giving out presents last year. How do you get around the world so fast? It must be exhausting. This year, I want:
- A Reyblade (or a few),
- To be with my family,
- More 39 clues books,
- Toys,
- A Kinect,
- Books,
- Video games,
- World Peace,
- Joy,
- Words to Christmas Carols,
- A way to fix my DSi,
- and a Merry Christmas.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and get the rest you deserve. Have a good eleven months of rest and preparation. Hope you like our treats! Do you like California? Do you like candy canes? What are your hobbies? One more thing, I'd like is a chance to be like you. What does it feel like to spread all this cheer? What games do you play at the North Pole? I don't mean to annoy you, but could you send a reply? I'd love to read your answers. I know less people believe in you now then in the past. But, I believe in you. I'll always believe in you. I hope Coco doesn't bother you either. I also hope you like our Christmas tree. There are so many things I want to tell and ask you.
Merry Christmas! Have lots of fun!
Love, Alex Devlin