Thursday, May 20, 2010

Andrew's Kindergarten Graduation Portrait

The world holds such hope and promise for the future. You can see the future in Andrew's eyes.

Poem inclued with kindergarten grad pictures:


I will climb the highest peaks
and find a way through the
deepest valleys as I follow
my heart in pursuing its dreams.

I will hold the sunlight and
welcome the rain as my garden
of knowledge prospers in its
quest to benefit the world.

I will learn from the defeats
as well as the triumphs on my
journey because from this day
forward there are no limits to
what I can achieve.

If we taking this kindergarten graduation any more seriously, what is left for college graduation?

1 comment:

zymeth said...

Awww! He's so cute, sweet and charming in this photo! My son also used to smile that way during his graduation photo shoot. Oh, it's really nice to take a look at our kids' photos. It make us feel more hopeful about the future!

Zymeth Blues