In the world according to Andy certain prefixes, suffixes, and other letter combos that granted are crazy in English are pronounced even crazier in Andy-ism.
Example: Alex received a book for his birthday. A Christmas book that plays "We Wish You a Merry Christmas..." It contains all variety of forest animals. Andy loves this book. He studies this book. He wants to commune on some level with the creatures and teach them all to sing, "We vish you a Merby Chrwismas, We vish you a Merby Chrwismas, and a Happy New Year."
He especially enjoys going through the book pointing out the animals and playing, "What's tis one called?" Some of his favorite creatures include, "vouse (mouse)", "sdunk (skunk)", and the "rabids (rabbits)".
Andy had his first official dental visit today. He took a ride in the dental chair which he said, "Its just like a space ship." He had 'pictures' of his teeth taken, which he wanted to take home. And he had his teeth cleaned though she had to pry his jaw apart to clean the last three teeth. He has very healthy clean teeth and the dentist said he did very well as he didn't even need to wear the super important dental shields (sunglasses)!
Mark and Alex were also due for dental visits though theirs were postponed. I had to drive Mark to the doctor yesterday as he was terribly ill -- turns out he has strep throat. Poor guy, I was surely miserable when I had it. We don't know what Alex had -- though he ran a fever and had a virtual migrane (I don't know if kids get them but he might as well of had one) and was very shaken all day yesterday. Today he seems to be afflicted by a head cold.
And in the world of family illnesses, Sean and Ryan are obivously afflicted. Sean has a head cold, 2 nasty infected ears and pink eye. Ryan has a head cold, 2 nearly infected ears and pink eye.
Only Andy and I are thus far immune, I've prayed many times it stays this way.
After the dental visit, (I finally didn't need to get any fillings from those cavities I got while prego with Andy) we went to Wal-Mart for laundry detergent. He asked for quite a lot of items for 'Chrwismas' -- Cocoa Rice Krispies, a random Dora movie, a clock that was about 3 feet in diameter, a bag of Cheetos, a chopper style bike that even Alex wouldn't fit on, etc.
Hope all is well. As you can see, I enjoyed my day with my one healthy boy.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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