Sean, Ryan, Alex, and Andrew playing fireman!

Sean and Ryan running the engine.

Andrew, Sean, Alex, and Ryan at the TREE of the Treehouse Museum.

Ryan playing teacher in the classroom.

Andrew solving a puzzle in the jungle area.

Sean carrying a baby around in the hospital nursery room.

Sean and Ryan making dinner at grandma's kitchen.

Ryan took carrying for the baby very seriously. First he put the baby in a crib all alone.

Then he put him in the crib with this other baby. Maybe that felt more right to Ry Guy.

Sean playing in the ute section.

Alex trying his luck with the Excalibur.

King Mark found his throne.

Andrew created his crest.

Sean wanted to color his letters.

Ryan, Sean, and Mark building in the Lewis and Clark section.

Alex found himself at home in the oval office.

Very presidential.

Alex playing an instrument.

Andy built with help a beehive.

50 cents or 2 for a dollar -- winning theory!

Ryan played conductor in the train station.