Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Alex was invited to attend the wedding reception of his first grade teacher. Its Friday night. So he and I will attend without the accompaniment of his brothers -- who will hang at home with Daddy.

Today we bought the gift and a nice white button down Gap-ish shirt. He wanted a tie -- we looked everywhere, all we could fine were unsuitable Mormon themed ones with remarks like "Choose to Serve" and "Choose the Right" all over them. Don't they were normal colored, patterned ties? Anyhow, the shirt will look dandy on its own.

Then we struggled to find suitable shoes. We found many that looked good, but if he needed a size 2, they'd have a 1.5 or 2.5; if he needed a 2.5, they'd have a 2 or a 3. VERY FRUSTRATING! Finally at "Wally-world", he saw cowboy boots. Black cowboy boots. Black cowboy boots, in sizes 1.5, 2, 2.5 and even 3. Surely one pair would fit. And indeed they did. He's wanted such boots since he has been about 3 years old. Despite all this I found my self saying, "I'm not sure cowboy boots are really the best thing to wear to a wedding."

"Well, her fiance is a cowboy. Remember the picture. And they're going to move to Texas."

At $16.73 these boots cost about 6 bucks more then we normally spend on boy shoes. I called Mark for his opinion. Mark said something like, "Alex is 7 years old, if he wanted to wear cowboy boots to his 1st grade teacher's wedding reception, let him. She always remember him."

Bouncing on his cowboy heels, hands clutched at his chest, Alex waited with bated breath for the verdict. He was so happy about his boots, when Mark got home for work, Alex said, "Thanks for letting me get the cowboy boots, Daddy."

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