Last night we (I mean the whole gang) watched National Treasure 2 together. Alex as usual was cold so he went and got his blanket. Andrew then decided that he too was cold and got his blanket. (Yesterday it reached 98 degrees outside.)
Andrew asked if I too was cold, so I played the game. He draped his blanket over me and Seany who was sitting on the other side of me. Then he got bored and went to hang out on the cool couch with Daddy and Alex. Seany said, "Heyyyyy, I wanted that here."
"Well go get your blanket then."
"Ok." Stomp, Stomp, Stomp super fast.
"Mommy, Mommy I did it! I got my bank it." And then he draped it over the both of us in sort of a balled up tangled fashion and said, "See Mommy, my bank it."
Slow Start
1 week ago
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