Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Andrew LOVES holidays. We're not the family that buys treats, toys, and new clothes for our kids. The clothing comes in second hand or as gifts from grandparents, with a very occasional emergency replacement purchases. The treats -- no not so much -- we stock animal cookies and graham crackers. The toys, they have enough and get one each on holidays and birthdays.

Andrew askes, "Mommy, when's Easter again?"

Mommy answers, "Not until next spring, next year."

Andrew askes, "Mommy, what holidays are next?"

Mommy answers, "Nona and Papa's anniversary, Nona's birthday, Mother's Day, and Uncle Vince's birthday, Uncle Jason's birthday, Father's Day, Great-Grandma's birthday, 4th of July..."

Andrew responds, "MOMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE..... I mean when is the next holiday that THE KIDS get presents?"

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