Before we left for Primary's I was very embarrassed that I needed a class to potty train Ryan. I just thought I could do it. And that I didn't need help -- despite needing the parenting classes a year ago, despite the destructiveness of the twix, despite the life we lead, I thought I could manage on my own.
Some good thing came out of the class:
1. They're pretty sure Ryan cannot feel the urge. So for the first 2 weeks, he'll sit on the potty at the same time he usually poops and see if he can do it. After 2 weeks, if we have no progress, we get to start the glycerin suppositories...Fun times. The goal is to wean him off them, since he can poop eventually. We're going to teach his bottom to do it on its own at the same time everyday.
2. Stop focusing on peepee until we get bm's under management. Then start the peepee schedule.
3. Once summer weather hits, try the undies with him on a peepee schedule (every 2 hours). Again, he probably doesn't feel the urge. So we've been hitting and missing at putting him on the potty.
4. She said, its perfectly normal and likely even for him to need pullups well until he's 4. She's hoping since he's been such a ROCK STAR in everything he's had to do, that he'll be able to manage the potties with less interference.
5. MRI is not even going to come up again until his next clinic visit, so just journal leakage and back pain until that appointment. This is a huge weight lifted. Part of the reason I was so stressed about potty training was at the clinic visit they wanted this info like yesterday. So since they've decided to wait until next year, that just makes my life so much less stressful...
1 week ago
Thanks for taking the time to enter in my photography give-away!
I very much hope to win! You're photography is lovely!
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