The Bourne Ultimatum -- Warning: I may relieve plot points.
This movie is extraordinarily disturbing. The CIA giving themselves clearance to kill anyone with no evidence of wrong doing just assumptions. Also, the CIA listening to private conversations, 'taking out' people with sniper fire at a public train station (yes, allow any children and other innocent bystanders to witness that) in somebody else's country. The CIA stopping a bus, grabbing a man at gun point, injecting him with God knows what and dragging him into an unmarked vehicle shouting, "Hurry Up, Let's Go!"
The number of issues here! I kept finding myself saying, "That guy would be out of his ass so fast." "He'd be so fired and arrested."
I realize this is a fictional story, but it just reiterated (intensified my position) to me why the Patriot Act (which they were very loosely, VERY loosely following) needs to go; why this government of ours needs to get back to checks & balances; why we need someone with some foreign diplomacy to right the wrongs we've saturated the rest of the world with lately (hard to believe, but we are not the world rulers some wish us to be); and most of all why we need to get rid of the blithering idiot who thinks he can do whatever the hell is whispered into that empty noggin of his.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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