For the past couple Mondays, Ryan watches Jon & Kate with me. Well, Monday night Mark ushered all the chicklets upstairs so I could watch it.
Ryan has crept quietly back down and sat silently with me watching it in the dark.
This Monday, a wee little person quietly came down the stairs, climbed up and into my lap and would occasionally point to the 6 three year old and glance up at me. I would think, "Boy Ryan looks just like Sean when he does that. Its weird, even his finger pointing looks just like Seany."
After the show ended, I turned off the TV and said, "Ok, Ry lets go get your brothers."
Grinning from ear to ear, SEAN ran back and forth laughing hysterically. "Sean! You tricked me. I thought you were Ryan."
With his evil gleam and his deepest voice, his legs splayed apart in attack mode, Sean laughed, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha ha ha!"
And then he charged me.
I was attacked by the Great American Hugger (as his therapists and Auntie Carolyn can attest nobody nowhere delivers a hug like Seany Boy). He latched on to my neck and kissed my lips 20 rapid times than furiously eskimo kissed my nose and forehead and only after I admitted that yes I loved him, did Seany release me.
He then demanded a ride up the stairs.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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