It was our first try! Mark set the timer on the camera. Sean was crying, got excited by the count down and suddenly we had a family picture. We almost didn't take one at all, too stressful.
It was our first try! Mark set the timer on the camera. Sean was crying, got excited by the count down and suddenly we had a family picture. We almost didn't take one at all, too stressful.
How many times did you have to take the picture to get everyone smiling AND looking at the camera?
Very cute!!!
It was our first try! Mark set the timer on the camera. Sean was crying, got excited by the count down and suddenly we had a family picture. We almost didn't take one at all, too stressful.
It was our first try! Mark set the timer on the camera. Sean was crying, got excited by the count down and suddenly we had a family picture. We almost didn't take one at all, too stressful.
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