8:00 am: Get up! OMG! Was supposed to be up 45 minutes ago! NO NO NO!
8:05 am: Where's my dad? (Hearing scrape scrape in the distance) Did it snow? AWWWWWW!
8:10 am: (Full garbed for Arctic Tundra and help my dad shovel the driveway. It's still snowing) "Sorry, I sort of over slept." Daddy: "Oh, no problem."
8:40 am: (Finished shoveling) Alex you have to do to school! Brush your teeth, take your meds. Papa: "Alex, GET OUT OF YOUR PAJAMAS AND PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!" Mommy and Alex: "Its pajamas day!"
8:41 am: Alex leaves for school with no breakfast, he can eat at school.
15 seconds later: I take a shower.
8:43 am: Ryan is naked pressing his belly against the shower glass, "Mommeeee. Ryyan sower..?"
8:45 am: Ryan is washed, I make him stand in the stall while I finish.
8:47 am: Ryan is dry, I am dry. Frantic clothes putting on commences.
9:00 am: Papa returns sans Alex. "Where are your socks, Sean, Andrew?"
9:05 am: Sean, Andrew, Ryan and Mommy begin massive socks, boots, coats putting on procedures. These include Sean pulling kitchen chair down on himself (just missed decapitation by millimeters, very scary), Ryan pulling Sean's shirt so hard that the gun Sean took off with bounces back and hits his eye brow mere immeasurable distance from eye ball, Andrew claiming no kinship to eldest brother with play at school therefore should be excused from attending, Mommy (er, me) threatening, cajoling, offering the moon to said trio in exchange for getting in the car.
9:20 am: Everyone is strapped.
9:22 am: Main Street has quite a lot of snow on it, actually. Sure they didn't cancel school/show, its downhill to the school. Quite scary drive. Still snowing. Are we going to DIE during this 3 block trek?!
9:25 am: Safely at school. Unstrap everyone and carry up stairs to main entrance (afraid of slippage of toddler and er trip). Leg hurts quite a lot, actually, don't suppose anyone has any painkillers on 'um? Decide against feeling out other parents for drugs at school function (may come across as addict as well as already not measuring up to supermom status of other school moms attending).
9:30 am: Started right on time. Excellent. Seany come out of cafeteria table fold up space, Ryan you need to stay with me (not 7 rows back). Get up get Ry. Where did Sean go. Scan stage, no Sean. Scan see of parents, no Sean. Go out to lobby, Sean is by the exit doors. School secretary is trying to coax him back in, she's trying to get him to go to preschool. She must think I'm totally inept. Everytime we see her, they have broken something, disappeared, climbed something, locked something,....
9:31 am: Hey, that chick took my seat. Just squeeze back in. Send evil seat stealer vibe of displeasure.
9:40 am: Finally, 3rd grade's turn. Alex scans crowd, waves to me and then relaxes a bit. He never believes I'm going to show up.
9:48 am: 3rd grade doesn't suck. Hurray!
9:55 am: 6th grade. Ok, their teacher is taking herself way to seriously.
9:56 am: Oh, I get it, kazoos. Not serious making fun of school performances. Actually quite funny. Ok, that was bloody hilarious.
10:05 am: Waiting for cafeteria to clear out, so we can get down to Alex's class for class Polar Express play.
10:10 am: Where did Sean go? See streak of blue way ahead. Must hobble faster. Damn leg. Forget favoring it and take off running carrying Ryan like football and tell Andrew to go to Alex's class. Catch Seany before he exits new doors.
10:15 am: In Alex's class. Ryan leave Santa's sleigh alone. Come sit in the back. Other parents laugh at hilarity of my getting them in back row. No offers to help. Just stupid observations, "They're quite a handful." No kidding.
10:20 am: Play starts. Alex has no important bits. Can basically ignore play and try to keep destruction down to minimum. Sean rips 3 sleeves off wall. Ryan knocks entire stack of textbooks on floor. What did Alex have his one line already? Must ask him to preform it for me again at home. Poor kid, just wants to have his mom at his play...
10:25 am: Play's over, let's blow this joint. Call my dad to come get us.
10:30 am: Waiting for my dad. Kid on stairs obviously wants to throw a book over balcony. I will ignore. Done for a bit. Throws book. Little girl in tattle tale voice, "He just threw something." Me, "I don't know or care what he threw." Little a-hole, "Its an art kit." Me, "Well whop-dee-do, your a big bad man who figured out how to throw an art kid. Wow really impressive. You're really going places now." Little a mumbles, "I'll just go pick it up." Just wasn't in the mood to fake the whole pleasant thing.
10:32 am: Help Daddy shovel driveway again. Still snowing.
11:00 am: Must make cupcakes for cub scouts to sing happy birthday song to Alex
11:20 am: Now get going on cookie bars for neighbor gifts. How many again? NO WAY! 19! I don't even have any friends in Paysonia! How can we have 19 neighbor gifts? Oh well, lets get going on this.
11:21 am: "Sean climb down. Sean stop. Sean come play hippos."
11:23 am: "Sean, how about painting? Want to paint?" I really have to get these cookie bars on their way into the oven.
11:30 am: On to batch 2.
12:05 pm: Now everything just needs to cool. My dad, "What's for lunch?" Groan inwardly.
12:06 pm: If I just ignore lunch, maybe no one will be hungry.
12:07 pm: I really have to pee. OHHHHH! My leg is really killing me now.
12:15 pm: Ok, Lunch. Yogurt! "Ok, boys, your yogurt is ready."
12:30 pm: Cut up 2 potatoes, nuke.
12:55 pm: Put twix down for naps.
1:00 pm: They must have been tired, they're out for the count.
1:10 pm: Did I have something in the microwave? Oh, yeah, my potatoes. Aw! Still raw. 2 minutes should do it.
1:15 pm: Topped them. Take bite. AH! Still rawish! 1 more minute.
1:16 pm: Hmmm. Quite like potato soup without yummimess.
1:18 pm: Who cares, its food.
1:30 pm: Frost and sprinkle cupcakes.
1:45 pm: Need to help Daddy shovel driveway. Need to finish cupcakes. Daddy back in. Driveway's done.
2:20 pm: Cupcakes are done. Must get to school for books and candy cane activity.
2:30 pm: Where are the Christmas books.
2:40 pm: Found good one.
2:45 pm: Ok, am only mother here. The flyer said to be here at 2:45 to read stories for 1/2 hour with child.
2:48 pm: Only 5 kids left in class. "Ok, Alex lets read." Some unknown boy appears to read with us. Quite nice kid. Will ask Alex about him later.
3:15 pm: Papa is back to pick us up.
3:16 pm: "Alex we have to go. Scouts is in 30 minutes." Alex, "Mommy! I forgot to tell you. There are no scouts today." More inward groaning.
3:55 pm: Cut up cookie bars. Start plating.
4:15 pm: Ask Alex about boy who read with us. "Oh that's Garrison." "I though he wasn't so nice." Alex says, "Yeah, well I took your advice and now he's alright." "What'd you say?" Alex responds, "Remeber, you said, he was just jealous of my shirts and I should say something nice to him everytime he was rude. Well, now he's nice to me."
4:30 pm: Ok, 19 plates. Let's make some deliveries.
4:35 pm: Sean, Ryan, and Alex are dressed for Arctic Tundra. I am dressed for summer fling (ok not really, but not Arctic Tundra).
4:40 pm: Peeps really need to shovel the sidewalks. Seany is up to his waist in snow and yet plows through. Ryan will not move unless I'm holding his hand. Seany goes down! "I'm oh-tay, Mommy."
4:55 pm: At lady who drives Alex home from school house. He made present for her. Will not give present to her kid or hubby. She thanks him. He's relieved. Seany went down again. Took his gloves off. Hands are freezing. Sean and Ryan are delivered home. Get Papa to drive us to rest of deliveries.
5:30 pm: Making 2 more batches of cookie bars.
6:00 pm: Mark and chicklets want to know what's for dinner. Do we really need dinner? Don't people live on one meal a day? Oh, wait, they had yogurt for lunch. Brightly say, "How about waffles?!" "YES!"
6:05 pm: Mark is making the waffles. I love him.
6:30 pm: Mark made all the waffle mix into waffles. Now have frozen stock again! I love him even more!
7:35 pm: Mark is bathing kids while I lounge tiredly on couch, icing my leg. My clot/hemotoma is bigger. Is that bad? Who cares? Too tired.
8:30 pm: Kids are getting ready for bed. OMG! Alex looks like a little man in his robe. That is so cute. Would love to go to bed, but can't ice leg, as electric blanket would melt ice.
9:05 pm: Plans to watch Miss Marple movie. Waiting for my mom. Watching weird medical mystery show.
9:25 pm: This show is totally getting cancelled. Boring.
9:35 pm: Is that a scorpion? Why is it all translucent? Ewwwww! They squished it!
9:55 pm: This show is still getting cancelled, but the scorpion was creepy.
10:00 pm: Miss Marple do your thing.
10:10 pm: OMG! Joan Hickson is so cute. She's so petite. She reminds me of Grandma. I could watch her all day. Its like a glimpse of Grandma before the last couple years.
12:00 am: To bed, very fun Miss Marple. Great Christmas present!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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