1. How did God make moms?
Alex: In the bible it was by using, I think it was dirt maybe.
Andrew: Ummmm, ahhhh, eh, ummm. With making them be girlish. Is that right? (Mmhhmm) YES!
2. What ingredients are moms made of?
Alex: Atoms. Water in the brian. Your brain is 87 or something like that percent water.
Andrew: Meat, ham.
3. Why did God give you YOUR mom?
Alex: Um because she could take good care of us.
Andrew: Because he wanted me to know her name and my mom's husband's name.
4. What kind of girl was your mom?
Alex: A nice girl.
Andrew: Kathryn
5. What did your mom need to know about your dad before she married him?
Alex: If he was kind.
Andrew: That he was going to love you.
6. Whose the boss at your house?
Alex: My mom and my dad.
Andrew: Mommy and Daddy.
7. Why did your mom marry your dad?
Alex: He was very nice, kind, and cute.
Andrew: Because the mom needed a husband and the children too so that they got the children. Is that right?
8. What's the difference between your mom and dad?
Alex: My mom's gender is female and my dad's gender is male. (Scientific, huh!)
Andrew: Our dad has boy hair and our mom has girl hair. But sometimes the dad has hair that looks like girl hair.
9. What does your mom do in her spare time?
Alex: Do her crossword puzzles or suduko and not read any of the books I let her read, yet.
Andrew: Make sure the kids are not kidnapped and not lost and make sure they don't do something when they don't ask their moms and um I did that on accident. I didn't mean too.
10. What would make your mom perfect?
Alex: She's already perfect for me.
Andrew: Being nice to her children when they do good stuff.
11. What would you change about your mom?
Alex: I would change her weight to the right weight for her. Wouldn't that be kind?
Andrew: Help them change their clothes and also help them change the way of their hair and also help them help their dad's get their clothes on and brush their dad's hair.
Andrew overheard my delight in Alex's answer to #10. After each answer, Andrew asked, "Did I get the right answer?" To which I said, "Yes." To which he exclaimed, "YES!"
Slow Start
1 week ago
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