Some of responses to The Devlin Backyard Project tickled my very sore thoart. I thought I'd add a few more to the list. I also don't think everyone realized I was making a funny, so to be clear: THIS POST, as well as, the DBP post are for laughs. As a general rule, this blog is almost always meant to illicit laughter (unless I'm updating health issues, etc). Anyway, back to my 'charity' list.
The Devlin Clean Clothes Movement: Funds generated go directly toward the replacement of the dying cloth cleaning appliances. Don't want us to have to go to the laundromat until we can afford hi-tech $1000+ each replacements, do you? Heaven forbid we take care of our own clothes.
The Devlin Clean Air Project: Funds here go toward the purchase and installation of heating (and cooling) of the basement. As well as proper window and crack sealing and venting to prevent Radon from getting in and not getting out.
The Devlin Clean Home Project: Funds here will go toward the hiring of full time housekeeper to do all heavy cleaning, leaving me free to do what I want.
The Devlin Playland: Funds go toward creating indoor playground for cold winter months.
The Devlin Medical Fund: You can help pay our medical bills, every year we spend at least $4000 keeping our clan in good health. Anyone want to take that on?
The Devlin Transportation Fund: You get to pay for our gas!
The Devlins Want a Handout Project: Basically donate here to fund our life. That way Mark can stay home with me and we can do whatever we want anytime we want while others graciously foot the bill.
Thank you for your contributions. Paypal is standing by (anybody actually know HOW to use paypal).
1 week ago