Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Haunted House Episode

of Phineas and Ferb is hilarious. Ok, I know you all know that we as a collective group aka entire household love this show. But right now, the twix and Andrew are watching the Haunted House/Hiccup Episode and I'm laughing.

That kid who does Phineas' voice does a good spooky voice. And its just plain funny.


Tamara said...

Hi! How are ya? Thanks for stopping by my blog : ). We really like Phineas and Ferb here, too. It's kind of along the lines of "Jimmy Neutron". Something we can all enjoy. Gotta love it!

Tamara said...

I just read the potty training post. Soooooo glad I'm done with that one! For me, I would put a jar of jelly beans or something up where the kids couldn't reach it. I'd start by giving them some every time they were successful on the potty. I also rewarded the older siblings because they have a big influence on the younger ones. Slowly I change it to a reward if they make it to the next mealtime with dry/clean pants. We also had a chart that I would mark every time they used the potty. We ended with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. Good luck!