Sunday, August 31, 2008
Andrew was like an angel among the spawn of the devil. After a bit, Alex pulled himself together. Mark told the older boys they could each pick out a treat.
Basically, any goodie they wanted. Andrew was in front of an entire aisle of cookies -- chocolate yummies galore. Alex looked at them without pleasure. Andrew said, "I really like animal cookies can I have that as my treat?" We weren't sure that it was 'treat' enough. At a buck for a jumbo bag -- it couldn't be true.
Alex headed to frozen where he chose his favorite ice cream treat of all -- Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches. These are a Utah thing -- Utah company, enormous amount of ice cream, sold at ball games, very yummy.
We checked with Andrew to make sure he really wanted the animal crackers. "Guyssss, I said that I liked the animal crackers before at my star school. Why can't you guys just let me have them?"
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A day spent cub scouting
He learned how to use a variety of tools.
And sanded it to make sure it was sliver free.
He made a KEYS board for us to hang our keys from! We got locked out once, this was a definite need.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Andrew plays soccer
Andrew inline waiting his turn to make a goal.
Andrew got it past this cool cat. He loves soccer!
"Mommy, my jersey is number 10!"
"Mommy, my jersey is a perfect fit!"
"Mommy, did you see me I was the goalie? And I blocked 2 goals!"
"Mommy, we won the game. We had 6 (waving his arms in the air to pull a number from) goals. The other team had (long pause, must think of number smaller than 6) 3 goals."
"Best Vinyl" not so much
After 3 months of unreturned phone calls, false claims, and terrible lies, I got this awful fence company to come out and fix the ugly corner of the fence, install the handrail on the porch, and fix the broken gate latches.
They charge $600 for the gate kit -- we couldn't open (or close) the gate properly because something was stripped.
We were lied to over and over again. Blatant false claims, total pack of lies we were fed. Then the real topper when I complained about all the things Mark and I had to clean up, the 'customer service' rep said, "Well it sounds like those issues are resolved." They sure don't feel resolved.
The back corner now looks like a normal fence, the porch railing has a handrail, and I will never ever use Best Vinyl nor recommend them to anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Ever hear of "Petty Victories?" It means some takes joy in getting over (or what they deserve) from another. That's what this feels likes, except, I blew up to monstrous portions to make it happen, and I feel no joy, not even satisfied about the whole awful ordeal. I'm just happy not to ever have any reason to speak to any person from that awful company again.
Anybody know of an online review place I can properly post this?
I am most afraid of: Trouble (he capitalized the t).
I asked him about it. "Why are you afraid of trouble?"
Alex: "I don't like any of it. It is horrible."
Mommy: "Who's worse to be in trouble with -- Daddy or me?"
Alex: "It really doesn't matter. I just hate being in trouble."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Alex's first day of school survey
1. My favorite place: Disneyland (Disneyland)
2. After school, I like to: play (drink a glass of ice water)
3. My pet peeve: very hot water (busybodies)
4. When I feel sad, it helps to: watch a movie (vent)
5. If I could change my name, I'd call myself: Devlin (Kate)
6. My favorite time of year: December (December)
7. I wish I were as tall as: me (huh? this definitely for kids)
8. I'm good at: reading (reading works)
9. If I could rule the world, I'd: have ice cream (if only I wanted something on such a small scale, world peace baby!)
10. I could make school a better place by: helping (pulling and sweeping up the weeds on the backhill stretch)
11. If I had $100, I'd: buy toys for friends and I (add it to the Xmas cash)
12. The best thing that happened to me last year was: moving (yes, the kid like Payson! my answer, moving)
13. My favorite possession is: toys (wedding ring, albums, Uncle Dave's paintings)
14. If I lived in another country, I'd like it to be: Canada (England or Ireland or Italy)
15. On my birthday, I'd like to: he left this blank (get a massage)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Something I'd forgotten until now
Alex: Ok, babies, Andrew, do not touch these cakes. These are not for eating.
A table later...
Alex: Mommy, get a load of this, some kid couldn't resist. A little finger print right in the middle of the cake. That's a bummer.
The toothless grin
Water Party
RyGuy with his ice cream cone.
Andrew and his cone, "I don't want the orange ice cream. Can you just take that off and put more white ice cream in my cone please?"
"Why not?"
"Its all mixed up. Besides, you get what you get."
"I know, Mommy, and you DON'T throw a fit."
Alex's first day of school
Western Town
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tonsillectomy and the month reprive
He first suggested getting them out next week and then I asked about before our trip. He said, "Absolutely not. You may not travel for 2 weeks after the surgery and I'd like to encourage you to go a whole month without travel." So it has to wait until we get back. And then I had to schedule it around Jim's memorial -- so that at least Mark could go to that since the memorial won't be the weekend Alex has a long break.
I'm not worried about the surgery. I'm under anesthesia for 30 minutes, out come the tonsils, I'm observed for 2 hours and then poof! I go home.
I'm worried about what will happen at home. I'm supposed to drink lots of liquids and not do any heavy exertion for 10 days! 10 days! How is that going to work? How is anybody going to be able to watch the chicklets for 10 days? He heavily emphasised the necessity of this since most tonsillectomy patients do a great job keeping a low profile for 5 days (too much pain) and then start doing stuff. Bleeding that won't stop is most common during the 5 to 10 day period (when you start feeling better at try to resume normal activity).
Olympic Events
Yesterday, getting in to the car...
Andrew slowly entering said vehicle: Which kid will sit down first and get his strap on for the Gold M-E-T-A-L?
Alex sweeps into the back row: Its Alex Devlin! Alex Devlin takes the Gold with daylight to spare!
Andrew just sitting down, in total silence, refuses to buckle his belt, refuses to close his mouth, refuses to move.
Daddy: You better get a move on Andrew or Sean and Ryan are going to get the Silver and the Bronze.
Andrew continues to sit in silence, refusing to buckle his belt, refusing to close his mouth, refusing to move.
Mommy: Who's going to win the 4 year old division Gold Medal?
Andrew: YES! (pause) I won a gold metal too, Alex.
School has officially started
I can tell that school has begun because the craziness has started. I thought I could get an evening job. If I do that, some if not all the following would be dropped/changed/simply to exhausted. The only time to work would be the weekend, so then when would we fit family stuff in?
What I want to know, "How do SUPERMOMS do it all?"
My parents last day was yesterday and I was so exhausted from the first 3 days of the school year that I passed out for like 3 hours.
Upcoming stuff:
1. My ENT appointment to get my tonsil surgery scheduled -- today.
1a. Tonsil surgery.
2. Preschool open house for Andrew tomorrow. He learns which hook is his, which seat is his, etc.
2a. Preschool starts next week, two afternoons a week.
3. Andrew's soccer games are two evenings a week (Tues, Wed, or Thu) and Mark can't make about 80% of his games.
4. Alex's soccer games are two evenings a week (Tues, Wed, or Thu) with a practice thrown in on the off day. Mark can't make any practices or about 80% of the games.
4a. The week after soccer ends, football begins (same sort of schedule).
5. Alex started cub scouts, every Thu at 4 and the second Wed of the month. He's very excited and as usual full of enthusiasm. He tried to wear his uniform every moment of the weekend. Rules had to be established.
6. The twix have therapy and classes as usual (at least one therapist every week and 2 classes), until their 3rd birthday when their preschool starts (I don't know what that schedule will be).
7. We still have to get the yard done (at least drainage, sprinklers, trees, playyard, and the grass. The patio, garden, pathways, etc will have to wait until the spring.).
7a. We're taking our first family vacation since the twix appeared (sans Palm Springs as 1 year old heat affected tots) in 3 weeks (losing all that time to get stuff done).
8. I still have to do all the normal household chores, yard work, and fit in Ryan's therapy sessions. (Yes, his therapy is basically going for walks and playing at the park, but it still has to happen everyday -- another reason we need the playyard up in the backyard.)
Andrew: When are the next Olym-picks?
Daddy: In 2 years, you'll be 6 and the Olympics will be in Canada and the games will be winter sports -- the luge, skiing, ice skating -- they RACE on ice skates.
Andrew: When I'm 6 years old the Olympics will be in Nana-da?
Daddy: Yes.
Andrew: What about Swummer?
(In a Phineas and Ferb, they make "swinter" or "wummer" aka winter in summer.)
My question was does "swummer" have to do with anything?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Overheard on the walk home
One boy, Brock, approached me, "Excuse me, Alex's mom, can I have your phone number? I want to invite Alex to play at my house."
I happily obliged. A little girl even offered a handy piece of paper from her cute little notebook.
Brock was a bit ahead of Alex and I in the pack headed home. To another mother he said, "I got Alex's phone number. He's new to Park View and doesn't have very many friends. I'm going to invite him to play at my house."
I love Brock! He rocks!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
3rd grader
When we got to his class, his teacher explained a couple things to him and then showed him to his seat. I gave him a reassuring pat (not cool to hug in public), he gave me a nervous smile and was ready to go join in.
Ryan and Sean popped their little selves into the classroom, waved, and said, "Bye, Alway, Bye-Bye."
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Congrats to Shawn and Nastia too!
But for sheer coolness, you just have to cheer for Mr. Horton from Texas.
Sean and Ryan have qualified for the school district preschool program.
Sean is "developmentally delayed." Developmentally delayed means that he is delayed in 3 or more categories of development. In his case: speech, language, and cognitive ability; it is a more global diagnosis.
Ryan is "speech and language impaired." Speech and language impaired means that he is delayed in the two categories. Though he was close to delayed in cognitive abilities.
Both qualified for preschool for 3 years (or until they are in kindergarten). They will not be reevaluated until then. So even if they showed drastic improvement, they would stay in the preschool program. A school bus will pick them up at our door and take them to school and then return them the same way.
I'm not in away disappointed with the diagnosis. I have felt that both boys needed continued assistance to continue their marked improvement with speech especially and I'm very happy that they got into the school that will provide the services focused on what they need.
Going for gold
Alex: Andrew! I can't believe it Micheal Phelps has done it! The US mens swim team came through for him! This is momentous! We're watching history being made! Its incredible! 8 GOLD MEDALS in one Olympic games!
Andrew: Where does it say that? In my newspaper here?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Car rides
Alex: Something, something, thumb wrestle.
Andrew: Swoosh, swish, something something. Ha Ha ice cream fell on your head too!
Alex: Let's be friends, Buford.
Andrew: Ok, Phineas. Ok, now its my turn to be Phineas.
Apparently, they were playing out the thumb wrestle scene from P&F. It was a good thing I caught on that it was just play, they were about 2.5 seconds away from a "Do NOT talk. Do NOT touch. FOR THE REST OF THE CAR RIDE." type exchange with "Mommy Dearest."
After getting gas, I shut my door and we were off. Alex and Andrew were screaming at the tops of their respective lungs, trying to get out of the back seat, and speak totally incoherently all at the same time.
"WHAT is WRONG with you guys?" I asked, as I pulled over on a busy road.
"IT IS A HUGE BUG!" screamed Andrew at the same time. Andrew will not play outside if a wasp comes within 100 yards of him. So being strapped to a car seat with one flying around did nothing to curb his fear.
I opened all the doors, the poor thing darted out of the back seat and off to freedom.
The 'big' boys were so traumatized they started into hysterical giggles of relief that let up only upon arrival at our destination.
The store had all the summer tops (muscle tees) on sale -- we got each chicklet one. Then Mark found "Phineas and Ferb" visors in clearance section. They had one for each chicklet and in the correct sizes. Stuff like this hardly ever falls into place for us -- 4 chicklets is just too many for everyone to always get the same thing or the correct sizes or even have enough of whatever in stock.
I told the cashier how amazingly smooth all the "Phineas and Ferb" stuff was falling into place -- from the visiting the studio next month to finding cute hats for each kid and then she gave us 4 stickers for each kid, one of each character.
So now, we have stickers to decorate the chicklets autograph books with!
Friday, I was starting a shopping list. I had just started a "Phineas and Ferb" for the twix and Mark after watching the intro, strolled over. He headed straight for the list. I was surprised! Mark add something to the list? Mark remind me of something I hadn't thought to put on said list? What was he up to? I must investigate.
I quietly looked down at his hand on the paper. First, he drew a triangle, then a tuff of hair, two circles. "Hey," I thought, "that looks just like Phineas."
I asked about it. Mark said, "I want to teach Alex to draw Phineas for his thank you note to Swampy."
The park
New Shoes
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Steak and Eggs
First Sean came over, quietly eating steak and toast. Mark asked him, "Do you like that?"
"Its lishish (delicious)."
Next came Andrew, "What's that?"
Mommy: "Steak, eggs, and toast."
Andrew: "How 'bout I have some of that?"
Mommy: "Ok."
Andrew: "Oh. (little giggle) I just want the toast."
Finally, Ryan showed up. Mark popped a piece of steak into his mouth and Ryan said, "YUCK!" Then proceeded to gobble up all the mini pieces we'd cut for him.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Mommy: Did you have fun?
Alex & Andrew: Yes.
Mommy: Did he like his presents?
Andrew: Yes, but not the soccer game I gave him. But he always wanted the FBI kit I gave him.
Alex: Yep, the soccer game was a bust.
Andrew: But, I still gave it to him.
Alex: Mommy, these umbrellas were a great idea. Not only do they keep us cool, but best of all, they keep our popsicles from melting.
Andrew: Yeah, Mommy.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sean and Ryan and Andrew spent that time playing in the backyard/dirt, while Alex helped us. After we'd finished, we looked at the 3 youngest and discovered dirt in their hair. Sean had so much dirt in his hair that while his head sweated, the dirt was turning to MUD.
They each got an immediate bath.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Seany's hearing test
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
They were in big trouble. Andrew was sent to time out, Sean and Ryan to naps. Andrew, after he was forgiven, was given permission to play or read in his room. I took a nap.
An hour and a half later, I felt RyGuy's fingers on my arm and then he was squished in next to me. Then I heard, "SHhhhh! MOMMY SHEEPING! SHHHHH!" Yes, it was that loud.
Mommy: "Ry, please be quiet."
Ryan yelled: "OK, MOMMY! SEA (Sean) SHHHHHH!!!!!!! MOMMY SHEEPING!"
It was about zebras.
"Look Mommy, zebras. Everything you ever wanted to know about zebras."
The difference, I would have been a wee bit sarcastic.
"Nona and Papa are so cool," he sighed wistfully. I think that means he likes it.
US Men's Gymnastics
You go Mr. Horton! I've never seen an Olympian have so much fun. If they gave out medals for just great character and sportmanship, he'd win.
I for one am cheering for him in the individuals, he's great! Its just to bad (for him) that the Chinese men are truely several clicks better at every event then everyone else in the world. The entire world has to improve to even have a shot at the gold. Those Chinese men are amazing.
I realize this has nothing to do with the chicklets, but I can't help it. He was just so fun.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Update on the sick mama
Anyway, he gave me some kind of migraine pill to cure the headache (FYI, strep usually starts with a disabling headache). And he gave me extra in case I get it again, so I wouldn't have to pay to fill the prescription twice.
He gave me some kind of wonderful 5 day antibiotic (taken 1/day for 5 days), no need to keep track of the how many times a day or take it for 10 long days and keep forgetting.
I didn't test positive for strep, but he thinks I am infected with a strep type infection. Mentioned something about my being a carrier? Its centered in my tonsils as usual and he said that I have the biggest (grossest, he didn't technically say grossest) tonsils he's ever seen. This is now the third doctor to describe my infectious horrors that way.
He had his nurse schedule me with an ENT and I should be having them pups out shortly after that. Preferably after we get back from Disney heaven, so I'm not wiped for the trip.
Anybody want to come out and take care of the chicklets. Apparently a tonsillectomy as a grown person is quite the deal to go through.
He also swears that he recognized me and my kids -- not a member of his LDS ward, kids not at the same school, he not be headed to Catholicland come Sundays, a mystery it remains. This happens to me a lot. The doctors around Utah from Salt Lake on down (now clear past Provo) all swear that I am familiar to them and they recognize not just me, nay, but also the chicklets. I didn't realize we got around so much!
Get this, Mommy is told she needs surgery. Kids hear, "Free ice cream at the pharmacy!"
Alex: "Lets come back to this doctor again."
Andrew: "Mommy I hope you get sick again."
Ryan and Sean in unison: "Hurray!"
Messy boys
I took a massive dose of ibuprofen and after 45 minutes my head still hurt but I could face the chicklets and whatever mess they made.
Someone unlocked the fridge. Someone did not put the chairs up on the table. Someone did not lock the pantry.
What did I find?
An entire loaf of bread in pieces on the coffee table and couches. Ryan saw me coming and tried hurriedly to clean it up and blame Sean for it.
Seany pushing the water button on the fridge with the fridge door wide open. How did he get so tall you might wonder? He pulled their picnic table over and stood on that.
As I started with the bread, Seany spotted me and busily climbed down. As I made my way toward the kitchen, Seany realized he was about to lose everything anyway. He grabbed the pitcher of apple juice and started to chug it down.
Where were Alex and Andrew? Up in Alex's room playing DS.
After a morning of stacking and crashing, Andrew got the twix to be a little more creative with their blocks.
He showed them how to ice skate on them up and down the hallway from the front door to the kitchen and back. I could hear, "SCRAPE, SCRAPE, SCRAPE." When I went to check, Andrew said, "What?" He was waiting to be in trouble.
I couldn't really figure out how this was against any house rule. So, I said, "Don't knock each other down."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Olympic Excitement
Alex: "Mommy, why did you stop my gymnastics when I was 4 years old?"
Mommy: "Because you weren't having fun anymore."
Alex: "Well, gymnastics is a discipline like karate. Its not always fun. But look what I'd be able to do. Can you sign me up again?"
Mommy: "The rules in the house are simple. Kids activities are fun for the kid or they don't do them. You complained about it everyday. I decided it was time to move on."
Alex: "Ok. I won't complain this time."
Mommy: "We'll see."
Break to swimming, Micheal Phelps wins a gold medal! Break to interview with fencing champions -- 3 American women score all 3 medals! Interrupted by Alex both times, "Mommy I want to learn to swim like that! Mommy, why can't I take fencing?"
Mommy: Regarding swimming, "That's why you take swim lessons."
Alex: "No, Mommy, no. I take swim lessons so I don't die in the water."
I let him have that one.
Mommy: Regarding fencing, "Fencing is an East Coast sport. Not really all that exciting here in the West."
Alex: "Well, what about the Europeans?"
Mommy: "How about we wait until the Olympics are OVER and you pick your absolute favorite things to try?"
Alex: "That's probably a good idea."
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Place your bets
The suspects:
Alex, age 8 and almost 3/4: Emptied the dishwasher and put every item away in a location somewhere in the same vicinity as its actual home (the kitchen).
Andrew, age 4 and almost 3/4: Most likely innocent, he's not a fan of sharp stuff.
RyGuy, age 2 turning 3 next month: Possibly guilty. Every time I open the dishwasher, Ryan is there to 'help' me put items away. Has not (that I've seen) opened the dishwasher without my supervision.
Seany boy aka the Naughty Seany, age 2 turning 3 next month: Most likely guilty. Seany loves to empty the dishwasher and run around with sharp objects. Did I mention going to the restroom and returning to find a tuff of blond hair on the floor, a bald spot on his head, and scissors in his hand? Did I mention, Seany's preoccupation with things he's not allowed to have? Did I mention Seany LOVES to open and empty the dishwasher anytime I leave the room.
So place your bets...
1. Who done it?
2. WHERE is my cheese grater?
Yesterday, we went to the dollar store so he (and Andrew) could spend their earned treat cash. Alex immediately went for the police kit (toy gun, walkie talkie, handcuffs, baton). Andrew really checked everything out -- the books, water toys, etc. He settled on a stupid sticky fish toy. I figured by the time we got back to the car, stupid fish's novelty would wear off. I pushed him into choosing a police kit.
Last night, Ryan pilfered a walkie talkie and made some calls, all to Papa. Then he noticed chips and freshly made guac on the counter. He sort of tossed the 'phone' on the counter and shouted at it, "BYE PAPA!"
Seany's been playing doggie all morning. He hops around the house 'woofing.' Usually one or more of his brothers play his owner and take him for walks around the house, feed him and play fetch.
Today, Andrew said, "OK police dog. Get. That. BAD GUY!"
"WOOOF! RRRWOOF! WOOF!" Sean cried as he scramped off in the direction of his teddy bear.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Growing up
"Probably not a good idea. Go read for bit, ok Alex. Well make a deal and play scrabble tomorrow night."
"Ok, because the movie might have things I should not see or things I'm not suppose to KNOW about yet."
On the last page are about 400 words they want to know if the twix can say spontaneously. Without imitating you. Some of the words were obviously 'No.' Some I wasn't so sure of.
Mommy: "Ryan, can you say orange?"
Ryan: "No, Mommy, no RRRRRggg."
Mommy: "Seany, can you say orange?"
Sean: "Yes!"
Mommy: (chuckle) "Great Seany. Say orange."
Sean: "Huh?"
Ryan: "Um, no Mommy bah be or r be r be."
Andrew: "Mommy, ask me to say orange."
Mommy: "Andrew, can you say orange?"
Andrew: "Mommy, I don't want to say orange."
During his recovery time on the couch, he chose the Time Machine episode of Phineas and Ferb. Andrew has always interacted with his shows. The fireside girls go back in time to rescue Phineas, Ferb, and Candace. The time machine needs to be plugged in, Candace yells, "Where are we going to find electricity in Dinosaurland?" as she throws her arms into the air holding the plug.
Andrew says to Candace in his best pathetic-pouty-I'm-miserable voice, "Right there."
I start to laugh as Candace is lit up and Andrew obviously knew it was coming. Andrew reacts, "Mommy you shouldn't laugh, elec-trick-ity is very dangerous and I don't like it."
"But Andrew, you are watching it on the show..."
"Well that's just pretend, Mommy."
The Pop Singer
"Well, I don't stutter when I sing, Mommy and I have to make up my own dance moves," he spits out angrily.
"Yes, Alex. I totally think you should be a singer too. Great idea. But its not fair to your brothers and you've already been signed up for soccer and then football and you said you wanted to do basketball and karate after that."
"Well, why can't I just do it all?"
Kiddo, why can't we all...
Alex's favorite songs to sing "I have Nemesis" from Phineas and Ferb, where he does all the dance moves featured in the cartoon, that Ibook song from the commercial with the notebook coming out of the envelope, and "Happy Days are Here Again" -- thank you, Nona for that last number.
This last jingle he's turned Seany onto so at random moments I hear Seany sing "Happy Day. Happy Day. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy..."
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Costume morning
Lt R. A. Devlin quickly split after this picture to deal with the Sinister Seany Boy who was wielding a green and orange machine gun shouting, "Hey! OY! OY! OY! Boooshhhh!"
And I caught the tail end of PW Alex landing on his skateboard.
After the dust settled (literally the costumes are in a box in the basement), the only two I was able to pictures of were Ryan and Alex. Sean had abandoned costumes after he lost the battle for the coveted cop attire and was stuck with an Indy hat and Andrew wanted to wear the Power Ranger costume. I distinctly remember refusing to purchase a second PW costume as we already had one. How was I to know?
Swim party
Can I OH MY GOSH bigger than last time?
Do any of my computer genius friends know how do to this? In the meantime, I'll post my email (I can always make a new one if I get bunches of spam) here and hope for the best. Please contact me "Swampy." I'm afraid to even mention it to the chicklets in case it fell through. But it would be like a dream come true for them.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
After the dentist
The new place is much better.
To the Dentist we trekked
Sean and Ryan are on a different cycle thanks to Seany's chipped tooth. So they just got to wait and wait and wait. Two 2 year olds, waiting and waiting and waiting. I had to tell a busy body off in the waiting room -- they'd ripped up 5 brochures for some dental payment plan. She was shocked, shocked I tell you. She'd never seen such naughtiness and she didn't know what to do when I told her to bugger off. At least they weren't SCREAMING.
Alex went first. He had a blast -- super sensitive man finds the whole teeth cleaning operation ticklish and he giggled through his check up. NO cavities -- go Alex go Alex go.
Andrew went next. Andrew must have needed some attention this morning. "The light is in my eyes. Turn it off. I can't see." All the while squint, squint, blink, blink. "Alex, fix my chair for the lady. My chair is too low." Alex happily obiligied. "Lady, look at my teeth they are squeaky clean." Rubbing the latex glove back and forth she made them squeak squeak squeak. Giggles insued. Another kid cavity free.
And me for the first time since Andrew's pregnancy folks I be cavity free! YES!
Mark on the other hand has two to be filled next week. (I'm secretly pleased as I took quite a lot of ribbing 4 years ago when those 14 cavities appeared after Andrew's pregnancy.)
A Big Thank You
The things I love about the show are too many to list (but I'll name some 'um!):
1. In the museum Jeremy tells Candace that the fossil of their initials in a heart is his favorite. (How well do you know teenage girls? I actually sighed that was so sweet.)
2. Every antic of Candace's rolls right off Phineas and Ferb.
3. Mjr. Monogram snapping a shot of Perry dressed in the hula gear for the circus.
3a. Perry stopping in on the circus and doing his bit to not disappoint P&F.
4. Isabella and the fireside girls are too cute for words.
And most of all the fact that Phineas and Ferb are such sweet kindhearted boys. I just can't help but love them. I see bits of my four guys in the amazing duo.
So thank you, Jeff "Swampy" Marsh and Dan Povenmire. YOU ARE AWESOME!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The $600 Playyard
Anybody want to come out for a weekend and help us put her together?